Studies of principles and practical applications for being a Christian in the Last Days before Christ’s glorious return. Be ready!
Will the world ever "return to normal?" Natural disasters, tragedies, political upheaval. There are promises that abound offering hope that things will improve. But what will it take to obtain hope that never fails?
How to use End-Times Prophecy to Make Disciples and strengthen your faith. Our job as Christians is first and foremost, the Great Commission - Matthew 28:19-20.
Living with Purpose: How 2 Corinthians 5:6-10 Encourages Us to Walk by […]
Explore how joining a local Bible-teaching church provides strength and support as we face the increasing challenges of the end times, and prepare for the return of Jesus Christ.
As Jesus calls His followers to deny themselves and take up their cross (Matthew 16:24), we must recognize that difficulties will intensify as His return approaches. The closer we come to the return of Christ, the greater the spiritual resistance and challenges we will face. Yet, these trials are an opportunity to grow in faith, prepare for His coming, and remain steadfast in our hope of eternal life with Him.
The power of the Holy Spirit is put on display throughout the Bible - both Old and New Testaments. What do you believe about him? That he comes and dwells inside you? What is his role? What is your role? Let's explore.
This is one of many such warnings in the New Testament about being ready for Jesus' return. The days are getting confusing - "clergy" telling believers that the rapture is a Biblical myth, that (despite the Bible clearly saying otherwise), that Christians will go through the Great Tribulation and days of judgement just as the rest of the world.
🚨 You left—God never did. 💔➡️❤️
No matter how far you've wandered, His arms are still open. Will you turn back?
What can we expect from the people and cultures while waiting for Christ's return?