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Welcome! Whether you’re curious about Christianity or unsure what to believe, we’re glad you’re here. This page is for those asking, Why Christianity? We want to share what our faith is about and why it matters, especially in uncertain times. We believe everyone can find hope, peace, and real answers, and we’d love to share that with you. If you have questions, just ask—we’re here to help!


You have questions. wE have answers.

Christians have some very strong beliefs about these strange times. 

What makes you so certain your beliefs are the right ones?

For unbelievers, it’s important to recognize that faith is at the core of every worldview. Faith, described in the Bible as “the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen” (Hebrews 11:1, ESV), applies whether you believe in a Creator or accept the big bang and evolution—both require trust in events no one witnessed firsthand.

So, why Christianity? First, Jesus fulfilled every Old Testament prophecy about the Messiah and rose from the dead, an event recorded by many eyewitnesses. His resurrection is the foundation of Christian faith. Beyond that, Christianity has endured for centuries despite intense persecution. Even today, believers give their lives rather than deny their faith. History also confirms biblical prophecy, such as Israel becoming a nation again in 1948.

Christians believe their faith is grounded not just in belief, but in evidence and real-world events.

The Bible is just an old book of myths and fairy tales. How can anyone actually believe that stuff?

It’s understandable to feel that way, but the Bible is one of the most well-preserved ancient texts in history. It was written by people who either witnessed the events firsthand or spoke directly with those who did. The Bible also has more ancient manuscripts than any other historical work—over 5,000, compared to just 1,800 for The Iliad by Homer.

Remarkably, the oldest manuscripts, such as the Dead Sea Scrolls, align with later copies used for modern translations, proving its consistency over time. The Bible consists of 66 books, written by different authors across centuries, yet it tells a single, unified story—God’s love for humanity and His plan to redeem us through Jesus Christ. It’s not just a collection of myths; it’s a message that has stood the test of time.

How can a loving God destroy something he loves?

That’s a great question, and one that many people wrestle with. God is loving, but He is also just. Think of it this way: when someone creates something, they have the right to decide its purpose and future. For example, people debate whether advanced AI could become too dangerous to continue existing. In the same way, God, as our Creator, has the authority to judge His creation.

God sets the standard for what is good, not us. He calls us to align with His definition of good, not our own. Understanding this helps us see why His justice and love go hand in hand.

If things are as bad as you say, why hasn’t Jesus come back yet?

God is patient and merciful, giving people time to turn to Him. The Bible says He desires everyone to have the chance to come to faith. While we don’t know the exact timing of His return, we do have signs to watch for. Matthew 24 describes wars, famines, persecution, and a growing coldness in people’s hearts.

God is waiting for the last person who will accept Him before the tribulation begins—a time when following Christ will be much harder. His delay isn’t neglect; it’s an act of mercy, giving as many as possible the opportunity to believe.

Christians have been talking about the 2nd coming for centuries. Why should we listen to this stuff?

It’s true that Christians have expected Jesus’ return for centuries—even the apostles thought it might happen in their lifetimes. This long wait can feel like a “boy who cried wolf” situation, especially in a world that expects instant results. But God’s timing isn’t based on human impatience.

Just as Israel grew restless waiting for Moses in Exodus, we’re tempted to doubt. Yet, the Bible tells us to stay alert. We see signs that match what Jesus told us to watch for, and as believers, we’re called to be ready—because His return could happen at any moment.

You mention the Jews, didn’t Christians replace the Jews?

No, Christians didn’t replace the Jews. Jesus’ ministry was first to the Jewish people, calling them back to God. When many rejected Him, salvation was opened to non-Jews through Paul’s ministry. But this didn’t cancel God’s promises to Israel—Christians are grafted into God’s family, not replacing it.

The restoration of Israel as a nation in 1948 and the ongoing global opposition it faces today show God’s hand at work. The Bible foretold that in the last days, Israel would return to its land and face hostility from the world—just as we see now. This reminds us that Israel remains central to God’s plan and to end-times prophecy.

Why do Christians hate members of the LGBTQ community?

Christians don’t hate members of the LGBTQ community—we are called to love all people. But the Bible is clear that LGBTQ lifestyles go against God’s design. Romans 1:25-27 describes this as part of humanity’s drift away from God.

Christians believe that salvation requires repentance—turning away from sin, including sexual sin. Our desire is for everyone to experience God’s love and redemption by embracing His truth. True love isn’t affirming everything we want but pointing each other toward the life God intended for us.

What do I have to do to be saved?

First, our hearts are bursting for joy that you want to make this decision!  The process is really, really simple.

1st – acknowledge that you have sinned against God. You have not followed his laws to his standards.
2nd – commit to turn away and hate the sins of your past and all sins from this point forward.
            (Jesus’ blood washes away all your sin, it doesn’t stop us from sinning. You have to hate sins and make decisions not to sin)
3rd – Tell God through a prayer that you are sorry for not keeping his commands to his standards. Thank him for sending his son, Jesus Christ, to die in
          in your place to cover your sins for all time.

That’s it! You can now count yourself as a Christian. You should follow the next steps as well, because I promise, the world and the enemies of God are not going to be happy that you have made this decision. 

4th – Find a local group of believers to share this great news with! Tell them you want to follow Jesus’ command to be baptized to symbolize your change.
5th – Continue to study and ask God to reveal deeper and deeper truths to you through his Word. 
6th – Share your new faith with others! You should be excited about being restored to God and securing your home in Heaven with God and his Son! 

We are told to gather together in the Bible. This is for a few reasons, but mostly because the temptations and lies of the Devil can be especially difficult to navigate on your own. You will want someone to ask questions and advice!

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