A serene and inspiring image symbolizing the nativity and the second coming of Christ. The scene features a humble manger with a glowing light emanating from the star in the heavens
In this Christmas season, let’s remember the promise of the savior: “But you, O Bethlehem Ephrathah, […]
Why we watch for signs
As believers in Christ, we are called to be watchful and discerning, especially in the last days. The Bible provides several reasons why Christians keep a vigilant eye on signs and events that indicate the approaching return of Jesus Christ.
Signs of the times, Christian readiness, righteous living
In Matthew 16:1-4, Jesus admonishes the Pharisees and Sadducees for their failure to discern the signs of the time
Be prepared, the parable of the ten virgins
In Matthew 25:1-13, Jesus shares the profound parable of the ten virgins, offering valuable insights and […]
In the Christian journey, we are called to discern and test the spirits, as stated in 1 John 4:1-6.
In the last days, as we await the return of our Lord Jesus Christ, it is crucial for us as believers to examine our hearts and attitudes towards wealth. The passage in Mark 10:17-31 provides valuable insights into the dangers that wealth can pose and the true priorities that should guide our lives.
There is a danger that has been in the making, but has come front and center over the past few decades and seems prevalent today.
Mark of the Beast
During the coarse of the COVID-19 pandemic, you likely heard about pastors telling their congregations not to take the vaccine because they are the Mark of the Beast. We’ll delve into why they were wrong, but why were they telling people this in the first place?