Be grateful. A hand-written post-it note pinned to a wall.
What is one of the hallmarks of a well-grounded Christian? A grateful heart. According to Meriam-Webster, grateful means: appreciative of benefits received or, put another way, pleasing by reason of comfort supplied or discomfort alleviated.  What does it mean to be grateful?
Last Days Danger: Falling away. A metaphor of someone who once declared themselves a believer, but later recants their confession.
Apostasy, or "falling away" is a danger that has been long in the making but has come front and center over the past few decades and seems prevalent today.
How should Christians respond to persecution from government or other worldly institutions?
It doesn't seem to matter where you live today, governments and the general population seem to be turning against Christians. Any other religion is mostly tolerated, but not Christianity. In the United States, Christianity is largely mocked by those in places of influence. This movement has gone world-wide in the last 2 decades. What are we supposed to do as Christians when governments start to make policies and laws that are against the Bible and God's commands?
Don't forget your job! Work hard and work worth doing! Your job as an ambassador for Heaven is definitely worth doing!
It's difficult to go through your life and forget to go to work. You have a job to do so that you can make it through life. The bible is filled with verses that warn against not working and being lazy. Do you know what your job is as a citizen of Heaven if you are saved? You are an ambassador! It is your job to get as many people to become citizens as you can before you are called home. How have you been doing at your job?
The days of Noah. Are we in the timeframe Jesus spoke of when he compared the last days to the Days of Noah?
The days of Noah were some really bad days. The Earth was populated with 10 generations of men, from Adam to Noah (Noah being the 10th generation from Adam). The average natural lifespan of these generations was 900 years - many generations overlapped previous generations. Each man had many sons and daughters throughout their lifetimes, so there were many, many people populating the Earth.
Close-up of a woman's eyes and forehead with a barcode tattooed on her forehead. Her gaze is intense and serious, symbolizing control, conformity, and biblical warnings about the Mark of the Beast.
During the coarse of the COVID-19 pandemic, you likely heard about pastors telling their congregations not to take the vaccine because they are the Mark of the Beast. We’ll delve into why they were wrong, but why were they telling people this in the first place?
Overcome evil with good. The world loves evil, but we are called to be holy.
How are we, as Christians, supposed to approach people that want nothing but what is evil? The world seems to become more and more evil by the hour.
How to use end times prophecy to make disciples - 30% of the Bible talks about it.
How to use End-Times Prophecy to Make Disciples and strengthen your faith. Our job as Christians is first and foremost, the Great Commission - Matthew 28:19-20.
The Tower of Babel at the moment that God confused the language of the people.
The Tower of Babel and the Push for Global Unity Humanity has always sought to build a world apart from God, just as they did at Babel. They united under one language, one goal, and one vision—to make a name for themselves. But God intervened, scattering them and confusing their language (Genesis 11:1-9). Today, we see a similar push for global unity, where faith in God is dismissed in favor of human control. Governments, media, and culture pressure people to conform, often treating those who resist as obstacles to progress. Could this be conditioning for the ultimate deception the Bible warns about? Jesus said the last days would be like the days of Noah—filled with arrogance and disregard for God (Matthew 24:37-39). Now, more than ever, we must stand firm in truth, put on the full armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-11), and keep our eyes on Christ. The world is being prepared for judgment—but are you prepared for His return?
Are COVID-19 vaccines the mark of the beast?
Short answer: No, they aren’t. Lately, I've heard some pastors warning their congregations not to take the COVID-19 vaccine because they believe it is the Mark of the Beast. That claim is simply not true. However, it’s worth exploring why they think this way and why their reasoning doesn’t hold up against Scripture. Before diving into that, let’s be clear: medical decisions should be made between you and your trusted doctor. No one else—not your pastor, not your friends, and certainly not social media—knows your body and health history like your physician does. If you decide that the vaccine is right for you, and your doctor agrees, then by all means, get the vaccine. If you have concerns, don’t let pressure from others force you into a decision you’re not comfortable with. That being said, why do some believe the vaccine is the Mark of the Beast? The answer is simple: it shares some similarities with what the Bible describes—but it lacks the most critical elements. What the Bible Actually Says About the Mark of the Beast If you’ve studied biblical prophecy or attend a church that teaches it, you know that Revelation 13 describes a time when the Antichrist will rise to power and enforce the Mark of the Beast. Here are the key elements: The Antichrist will rule over a coalition of ten nations or kingdoms. He will broker a seven-year peace agreement with Israel, which will lead to the rebuilding of the Jewish temple. He will establish a system where no one can buy or sell without the mark, which will be placed on the right hand or forehead (Revelation 13:16-17). Those who refuse the mark will face execution. Accepting the mark is a final, deliberate act of rejecting God and pledging allegiance to the Antichrist. Why the COVID-19 Vaccine Is NOT the Mark of the Beast At least two major reasons make it clear that the vaccine is not the Mark of the Beast: The Antichrist has not been revealed. The Bible is clear that the Mark of the Beast is tied to his global rule. Right now, there is no world leader who fits the biblical description of the Antichrist. Until he is in power, the mark cannot exist. There is no seven-year peace treaty with Israel. Daniel 9:27 tells us that the Antichrist will confirm a covenant with Israel, marking the beginning of the final seven years before Christ returns. That event has not happened. Simply put, if the biblical prerequisites aren’t in place, then the mark isn’t here yet. A Warning Sign of What’s to Come Even though the vaccine isn’t the Mark of the Beast, the global response to it does reveal how easily the world could accept such a system in the future. Consider these disturbing trends: There was immense pressure for every person on earth to take the vaccine “for the greater good.” That mentality mirrors how the Antichrist will persuade people to accept his mark. Many called for severe penalties against the unvaccinated, including job loss, social exclusion, and travel restrictions. Revelation tells us that those without the mark will be unable to buy or sell. The parallels are striking. Some believers—even church leaders—shamed and rebuked those who chose not to take the vaccine. When the real mark arrives, it’s easy to see how even some in the Church might justify it. The response to the pandemic shows how quickly people can be conditioned to accept control in the name of safety. If the world reacted this strongly to a virus, imagine how it will respond to a leader who promises peace and prosperity in the midst of global chaos. What Should Christians Do? If nothing else, the past few years have shown us how close we are to the fulfillment of end-time prophecy. Jesus is coming soon. That means we must remain watchful and faithful. Here’s what we should be doing: Stay vigilant. Jesus told us to recognize the signs of His return (Matthew 24:33). The world is moving rapidly toward the conditions described in Revelation. Do not be afraid. God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and self-control (2 Timothy 1:7). Immerse yourself in Scripture. The more you know God’s Word, the less likely you’ll be deceived by false teachings and fear-based claims. Pray without ceasing. The closer we are to Christ’s return, the more we need to be in constant prayer. Encourage one another. Hebrews 10:25 tells us to encourage one another as we see the Day approaching. In times of uncertainty, we need each other. Keep your eyes on the sky. Jesus could return at any moment. Let’s live each day ready to meet Him. The world is changing fast. We don’t know how much time we have left before Jesus returns, but we do know this: our mission hasn’t changed. We are called to make disciples, stand firm in our faith, and trust that God is in control. The vaccine is not the Mark of the Beast—but it has shown us how easily the world will accept that system when it does come. That should wake us up, not to fear, but to boldly proclaim the Gospel while there is still time.