Living with Purpose: Living to Please God everyday.
Living with Purpose: How 2 Corinthians 5:6-10 Encourages Us to Walk by Faith As Christians, we […]
The post discusses the challenge Christians face in practicing humility, emphasizing the countercultural nature of this virtue in a self-promoting world. Using Philippians 2:3-8, the author highlights Jesus' example of humility through service, obedience, and sacrifice. The message encourages adopting Christ's mindset, focusing on serving others daily, empowered by His Spirit.
The Parable of the Weeds
Explore the Parable of the Weeds from Matthew 13:24-30 and learn its significance in distinguishing true believers from imposters. Reflect on your faith, commitment to Christ, and actions to ensure you are not an imposter among Christians. Use our guide to self-scrutinize, compare teachings to God's Word, and cultivate genuine faith.
Interpreting prophecy through both ancient and modern lenses - Prophecy Interpretation
In today's world, many Christians hold strong views on end-times prophecy, but are we repeating the mistakes of the Pharisees? Just as they missed the Messiah due to rigid expectations, we too might overlook God's true plan. Explore the importance of humility, openness, and faithful living in interpreting prophecy. Let's remain vigilant and ready, trusting in God's perfect timing.
Explore how joining a local Bible-teaching church provides strength and support as we face the increasing challenges of the end times, and prepare for the return of Jesus Christ.
Why we watch for signs
As believers in Christ, we are called to be watchful and discerning, especially in the last days. The Bible provides several reasons why Christians keep a vigilant eye on signs and events that indicate the approaching return of Jesus Christ.
Signs of the times, Christian readiness, righteous living
In Matthew 16:1-4, Jesus admonishes the Pharisees and Sadducees for their failure to discern the signs of the time
Spiritual Warfare: A Christian warrior clad in the full armor of God stands firm on a battlefield, surrounded by dark, shadowy demonic forces. His armor glows with divine light, and he holds the sword of the Spirit while a large shield deflects fiery arrows. The stormy sky symbolizes the ongoing spiritual battle between good and evil.
As Christians, we believe that we are living in the last days, a time of spiritual warfare and conflict. The Bible tells us that in these times, there will be increased demonic activity and deception, as the enemy seeks to deceive and destroy the people of God. But as believers, we have been equipped with the power of Christ to stand firm in the face of this spiritual opposition.
Last Days Danger: Falling away. A metaphor of someone who once declared themselves a believer, but later recants their confession.
Apostasy, or "falling away" is a danger that has been long in the making but has come front and center over the past few decades and seems prevalent today.
The Tower of Babel at the moment that God confused the language of the people.
The Tower of Babel and the Push for Global Unity Humanity has always sought to build a world apart from God, just as they did at Babel. They united under one language, one goal, and one vision—to make a name for themselves. But God intervened, scattering them and confusing their language (Genesis 11:1-9). Today, we see a similar push for global unity, where faith in God is dismissed in favor of human control. Governments, media, and culture pressure people to conform, often treating those who resist as obstacles to progress. Could this be conditioning for the ultimate deception the Bible warns about? Jesus said the last days would be like the days of Noah—filled with arrogance and disregard for God (Matthew 24:37-39). Now, more than ever, we must stand firm in truth, put on the full armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-11), and keep our eyes on Christ. The world is being prepared for judgment—but are you prepared for His return?