How should Christians respond to persecution from government or other worldly institutions?
It doesn't seem to matter where you live today, governments and the general population seem to be turning against Christians. Any other religion is mostly tolerated, but not Christianity. In the United States, Christianity is largely mocked by those in places of influence. This movement has gone world-wide in the last 2 decades. What are we supposed to do as Christians when governments start to make policies and laws that are against the Bible and God's commands?
Don't forget your job! Work hard and work worth doing! Your job as an ambassador for Heaven is definitely worth doing!
It's difficult to go through your life and forget to go to work. You have a job to do so that you can make it through life. The bible is filled with verses that warn against not working and being lazy. Do you know what your job is as a citizen of Heaven if you are saved? You are an ambassador! It is your job to get as many people to become citizens as you can before you are called home. How have you been doing at your job?
The days of Noah. Are we in the timeframe Jesus spoke of when he compared the last days to the Days of Noah?
The days of Noah were some really bad days. The Earth was populated with 10 generations of men, from Adam to Noah (Noah being the 10th generation from Adam). The average natural lifespan of these generations was 900 years - many generations overlapped previous generations. Each man had many sons and daughters throughout their lifetimes, so there were many, many people populating the Earth.
Where is your joy
Are you struggling to find joy in the midst of life’s chaos? Jesus promised us a joy that cannot be shaken—one that goes beyond temporary happiness. But how do we access it? In this post, we’ll explore what true joy looks like, why it matters, and how you can experience it daily, no matter what challenges you face. Don’t let the world steal what God has already given you—discover the joy that lasts! 🌿✨ #FindingJoy #FaithOverFear
A dramatic scene of global chaos, including wildfires, storms, earthquakes, and politicians deceiving a desperate crowd, while in the background, Jesus Christ arrives on a white horse through the clouds, bringing peace and hope among the chaos.
Will the world ever "return to normal?" Natural disasters, tragedies, political upheaval. There are promises that abound offering hope that things will improve. But what will it take to obtain hope that never fails?
A glowing dove descends from the heavens, radiating light onto a group of believers praying in unity. Tongues of fire rest on their heads, symbolizing power of the Holy Spirit, while a stormy sky looms in the background, representing spiritual warfare.
The power of the Holy Spirit is put on display throughout the Bible - both Old and New Testaments.  What do you believe about him?  That he comes and dwells inside you? What is his role?  What is your role?  Let's explore.