I have several drafts developed where I have worked over nearly a week to prepare a proper study on the current 'movement' that has now circled the globe.  For those not  reading this during and experiencing the Black Lives Matter movement that has swept the globe, you will be able to simply search the internet for 'Black Lives Matter 2020' to famimliarize yourself with the context of this post. It is currently in early June 2020 and recent announcements include the defunding of the Minneapolis, MN police department.  Not a portion, but the entire department.  Politicians have gotten behind this movement and apparently intend to move forward with the plan. I have read a post on social media that specifically tells Christians not to use these events (including protests and riots) to try to love people or spread the Gospel.  This idea has even received approval from several wildly influential Bible teachers and likely will be followed soon by pastors and other religious leaders.  Continue reading to see what my study of scripture has taught me about these events...
Our blessed hope is in the promised return of Jesus Christ to restore order to creation and do away with sin and all of it's repugnant affects.  His return issues in eternity, where those who believe in Him and His sacrifice will spend forever with Him in paradise, the same as promised the thief that believed Him on the day He was crucified.
The power of the Holy Spirit is put on display throughout the Bible - both Old and New Testaments.  What do you believe about him?  That he comes and dwells inside you? What is his role?  What is your role?  Let's explore.
It's so easy to get caught up in the things of this world, especially when we are personally affected.  I'm writing this after having spent almost 2 months in quarantine due to the 2020 pandemic, COVID-19.  The world was shaken with the infection and fatality rates of this virus in various parts of the world and leaders worldwide listened to medical experts who said that social distancing and stay-at-home orders would help prevent the overwhelming of the healthcare systems.  Businesses have shut down, kids have been out of school and college for two months at this point and everyone is extremely cautious to go back out and start living their lives again. How do we deal with such anxiety-causing events?