The power of your Testimony
“And I heard a loud voice in heaven, saying, ‘Now the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God and the authority of his Christ have come, for the accuser of our brothers has been thrown down, who accuses them day and night before our God. And they have conquered him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, for they loved not their lives even unto death.’”
—Revelation 12:10-11 (ESV)
As Christians, we believe that we are living in the last days before the return of Jesus Christ. The Bible warns that this will be a time of great deception, persecution, and spiritual warfare. The enemy is working harder than ever to silence the gospel and lead people away from the truth. But in the midst of this darkness, God has given us a weapon that can overcome the enemy’s attacks—a weapon that is both deeply personal and incredibly powerful: our testimony.
What Is a Testimony?
The word “testimony” simply means a personal account of one’s experiences. In the Christian faith, a testimony is the story of how we came to know Jesus Christ and how He has transformed our lives. It includes the struggles we’ve faced, the victories we’ve experienced, and the ways God has shown Himself faithful.
Our testimony is more than just words; it is living proof of God’s power. When we share our story, we are testifying to the reality of Christ’s saving grace. And in these last days, when the world is searching for hope and truth, our testimony is one of the most effective ways to spread the gospel.
Testimony as a Weapon in Spiritual Warfare
Revelation 12:11 tells us that believers overcome the enemy by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony. This means that our testimony is not just a personal story—it is a spiritual weapon.
Satan, described in this passage as “the accuser,” constantly tries to remind us of our past failures and convince us that we are unworthy of God’s love. He wants to silence us, keeping us from sharing the good news of Jesus Christ. But when we boldly testify to what God has done in our lives, we expose the lies of the enemy and proclaim the truth of the gospel.
The blood of Jesus has already secured the victory. Our testimony declares that victory to the world. Every time we share how Christ has changed us, we push back against the darkness and shine the light of God’s truth.
Testimony as a Tool for Evangelism
Many people hesitate to share their faith because they feel unqualified or unsure of what to say. But you don’t need a theology degree to tell others what God has done for you. Your testimony is unique, and no one can argue with your personal experience.
When we share how Jesus saved us, healed us, or brought us through difficult times, we give others a glimpse of His power and love. People may reject doctrine or debate theology, but they cannot deny a transformed life.
In these last days, as deception increases and many turn away from the truth (2 Timothy 4:3-4), our testimony can be the key that opens someone’s heart to the gospel. We never know who is watching or listening, and our story may be exactly what someone needs to hear in order to seek Jesus for themselves.
Testimony as an Encouragement to Other Believers
Sharing our testimony isn’t just for unbelievers—it also strengthens and encourages fellow believers. The Christian walk is not easy, and we all go through seasons of doubt, struggle, and suffering. Hearing how God has worked in someone else’s life can give us the strength to keep going.
In the early church, believers often shared their testimonies with one another to build each other up in faith. Paul frequently reminded the churches of his own hardships and victories, using his testimony to encourage others to remain steadfast (2 Corinthians 1:3-7).
Today, when we share our struggles and victories, we remind others that God is still at work. Our testimony tells others, “You’re not alone. God is faithful. He brought me through, and He will bring you through too.”
Are You Willing to Share Your Testimony?
One of the most striking parts of Revelation 12:11 is the last phrase: “for they loved not their lives even unto death.” This verse describes believers who were willing to lay down everything—even their lives—to testify about Jesus.
In many parts of the world today, Christians face severe persecution for sharing their faith. But even in places where we have freedom, fear still holds many believers back. We worry about what people will think, how they will respond, or whether we’ll say the right thing.
But if we truly believe that we are living in the last days, we must be bold. The world needs to hear the truth. The enemy wants us to stay silent, but we must not let fear stop us.
Your testimony has power. It is a weapon against the enemy, a tool for evangelism, and an encouragement to fellow believers. It is your personal proof that Jesus is alive and still transforming lives today.
Conclusion: Use Your Testimony for God’s Glory
The importance of testimony in the last days cannot be overstated. The Bible makes it clear that testimony is one of the key ways believers overcome the enemy and advance the kingdom of God.
Your testimony is not just about your past—it’s about what God is doing in your life today. Keep sharing it. Keep speaking about His goodness. Keep pointing people to Jesus.
The world is growing darker, but the light of Christ still shines through His people. And one of the brightest ways we shine is by telling the world what He has done for us.
Will you share your testimony today? Someone is waiting to hear it.
Other Resources:
Spiritual Warfare
The power of the Holy Spirit
Simply sharing what you’ve seen – Love Worth Finding