So how are supposed to be living Holy in the last days?
“Therefore, preparing your minds for action, and being sober-minded, set your hope fully on the grace that will be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ. As obedient children, do not be conformed to the passions of your former ignorance, but as he who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, since it is written, ‘You shall be holy, for I am holy.’” — 1 Peter 1:13-16 (ESV)
The call to holiness is not optional for Christians. It is a command, rooted in the very nature of God. To be holy means to be set apart—to live in a way that reflects God’s character, distinct from the world around us. As believers living in the last days, our holiness should be evident. The people around us should notice that there is something different about us, something that makes them wonder why we live the way we do.
We are living in a time of great uncertainty. The world is growing darker, and biblical truth is increasingly rejected. Yet, in the midst of these challenges, God calls us to stand firm, live holy lives, and shine as lights in a world desperate for hope.
The Danger of Falling Away
The Bible warns that in the last days, many will fall away from the faith. “Let no one deceive you in any way. For that day will not come, unless the rebellion comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction.” (2 Thessalonians 2:3). Many will be led astray by false teachings, worldly desires, and spiritual deception. Instead of holding fast to God’s truth, they will follow after what feels good or seems right in their own eyes.
This warning is not for the world alone—it is for us as believers. If we are not careful, we too can be influenced by the culture around us. Holiness is not just about avoiding sin; it is about actively pursuing God. It requires intentional choices in every area of life—our thoughts, actions, relationships, and priorities must be aligned with God’s will.
Living Holy in a Corrupt World
Living a holy life in these times requires a deep and personal relationship with God. It is not enough to simply attend church or claim to be a Christian; we must be rooted in God’s Word and led by His Spirit.
- Be Grounded in the Word – The Bible is our source of truth in a world full of lies. To discern right from wrong, we must read and study Scripture regularly. The more we know God’s Word, the less likely we are to be deceived by false teachings.
- Be Prayerful – Holiness is not something we achieve on our own. We need God’s strength to resist temptation and stand firm in our faith. Prayer keeps us connected to Him, allowing His Spirit to guide us.
- Guard Your Heart and Mind – What we watch, listen to, and surround ourselves with influences our thoughts and actions. If we constantly fill our minds with the values of the world, we will struggle to live holy lives. We must be mindful of what we allow into our hearts and minds.
- Choose Your Associations Wisely – The people we spend time with shape our beliefs and behaviors. While we are called to reach the lost, we must be cautious about forming close relationships with those who pull us away from God. Instead, we should surround ourselves with fellow believers who encourage us to pursue holiness.
Being a Light in the Darkness
As the world moves further from God, the need for a faithful Christian witness becomes more urgent. Holiness is not just about personal righteousness—it is about being a reflection of Christ to others. Jesus said, “You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden.” (Matthew 5:14). Our lives should point others to Him.
- Boldly Share the Gospel – Many people are lost and searching for meaning. We must be willing to share the hope we have in Christ, even when it is unpopular or uncomfortable.
- Live with Integrity – Our actions speak louder than our words. If we claim to follow Christ but live no differently than the world, our testimony is weakened. True holiness means that our lives align with what we say we believe.
- Show Love and Grace – In a world filled with division and hatred, we are called to love. “Because lawlessness will be increased, the love of many will grow cold.” (Matthew 24:12). But as followers of Christ, our love should never grow cold. We are to love even those who are difficult to love, extending grace and forgiveness just as Christ has done for us.
Persevering in Faith
Living holy in the last days will not always be easy. We may face ridicule, rejection, or even persecution for our faith. But Jesus never promised an easy road—He promised that He would be with us. “In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33).
When trials come, we must remain steadfast. Our hope is not in this world, but in Christ. No matter how difficult things become, we can trust that God is in control and that His promises are true.
The Reward of Holiness
Holiness is not just about avoiding judgment; it is about preparing for eternity. When Jesus returns, He will reward those who have remained faithful. “And everyone who thus hopes in him purifies himself as he is pure.” (1 John 3:3). Living holy now prepares us for the day when we will stand before Him.
One day, this world will pass away. Everything we see—both the good and the bad—will be gone. But those who belong to Christ will live forever in His presence. That is why holiness matters. It is not just about today; it is about eternity.
Living holy in the last days is not an option—it is a command. It requires intentional choices, unwavering faith, and a deep commitment to God’s Word. As the world grows darker, we are called to shine brighter.
May we be found faithful in these last days. May we stand firm in truth, walk in holiness, and point others to Christ. And when He returns, may He find us ready.
“You shall be holy, for I am holy.” (1 Peter 1:16)
Other Resources:
Spiritual warfare
Signs of the times
Living in the last days – Love Worth Finding